Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness


Spring Operating Event

Each Spring on the last weekend in April, we will take to the "field" and set up our portable stations for an operating event. The event takes the form of a contest that uses the same rules as ARRL Field Day with a few minor modifications. It's great practice for Field Day!
Spring Operating Event: April 27-28, 2019

Fall Operating Event

Each Fall on the second to last weekend in October, we will take to the "field" and set up our portable stations for an operating event. The event takes the form of a contest that uses the same rules as ARRL Field Day with a few minor modifications. It's the last weekend to go portable before contest season starts with CQWW SSB.
Fall Operating Event: October 19-20, 2019
For a complete rundown of the modifications from ARRL FD rules, with explanations, see this blog post.

To submit your score, email your score summary to

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