Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the group and the operating events. If you have any questions, feel free to ask via social media or email.

Who are you guys, really?

To be completely honest, it's mostly me, N0ECK. I thought it was a good idea so I ran with it. That's pretty much how the videos started too. I have some friends that help and lend some input, but it's mostly me. If you'd like to help, just shoot me an email and we can chat.
If the event ever grows to the point where it requires some kind of committee with business meetings and things like that, I'll probably step back and let others play. That kind of stuff isn't really my idea of fun.

Is there a club or group sponsoring these events?

I guess you can say it's sponsored by the Unreal Radio Club, W0WX. But we're not exactly a traditional club.

I don't like the ARRL rules, can we change the XXXXX rule?

Here are the reasons why I thought it was a good idea to use the ARRL Field Day rules:
1. We don't need a rules committee.
2. Questions about the rules have probably been answered somewhere else already. We don't need a team of customer support representatives to answer questions about rules.
3. It's not a "contest". This provides the ability to score based on the honor system and skip the cross-checking that makes the big contest's results take so long.
4. Many software packages are readily available. Pretty much every logging program from contest loggers to phone apps has a Field Day mode.
5. It's familiar. Most everyone who will participate has been active for ARRL Field Day at some point.

The date conflicts with XXXXX contest, can you change it?

Maybe. I looked at the popular contest calendars and didn't find anything outside of some small events and state QSO parties. If I missed something, please let me know.

What logging software should I use?

Since the rules are the same as ARRL Field Day, you can use pretty much any logging software. My personal favorites are N1MM and HamLog.

If you don't check logs, why do scores matter?

The score submission for ARRL Field Day is only a score summary, so that's proof it can work. If anyone wants to cheat in our event, they're only deluding themselves because we're not giving out plaques or wallpaper. 

More to come

This is a new event. There are bound to be many more questions to be added to this list. Please feel free to participate in the discussion via social media. The links are at the bottom of every page. Every human is allowed into the Facebook group, administrator approval is only required to keep out bots.
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